"BBC News" To Film Dr.Urvi Bhawsar at DDS Dental Pudong Clinic


上海, 一个高速发展的现代大都市正在吸引着越来越多的国际专业精英前来发展。




PS: EuroBiz interviews Dr. William Xu


Shanghai is a developing modern metropolis. Many international entreprenures and professionals have come to Shanghai to expand their carrers.

People all over the world are curious about China and are watching developments with great passion. International media like BBC broadcasts about happenings in China.

Dr.Bhawsar, the British dentist came to Shanghai and to work with DDS team which combine with different cultures and professioanl dental techniques together, her multicultural background has helped her to quickly integrate into DDS family.

For making a documentay on" British expats living and working in China." BBC interviewed Dr Bhawsar in DDS's Pudong clinic on 16th April 2007. This film will be brodcast in England in June.


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