Welcome to DDS Dental Care in Shanghai, China



Full range of dental services with aesthetic solutions. >>>

International team and western trained dentists. >>>

Multi-languages professional supports.

6 branch locations for your geographic convenience. >>>

JiaoTong University Dental Students Teaching & Trainning Base. >>>

Strict operation guidelines upon ADA standards.

Leading provider of top quality dental care to Shanghai's international communities over 13 years.


Professional Team
Training Base
Aesthetic Solutions
News Highlight

Our International Professional Team includes family dentist, orthodontist, endodontist, prosthodontist, oral sergeron, implantologist, periodontist, hygienist, several languages speaking help you to feel more comfortable.....>>>


DDS Dental Care is honoured to be the Internship Training Base for Shanghai Jiao Tong University College of Stomatology Dental Students....>>>
The main reasons cause your dental aesthetic problem are teeth stained, discoloured, crooked, missing....., the aesthetic solutions with prophylaxis, whitening, full ceramic veneers, crown, braces, invisalign, implant can be offered....>>>
Dr. William Xu presented at TV show of " ChenChen All Star" for the public dental education on July 22, 2013. The topics of oral plaque control, denal bleaching, orthodontic treatment were discussed...>>>


PuXi Clinic: Tel: 021- 54652678

PuDong Clinic: Tel: 021- 68760409

HuaCao Clinic: Tel: 021- 24284088

TianLin Clinic: Tel: 021- 54105006 (Chinese citizen only)

QingPu Clinic: Tel: 021- 69760341


Emergency hot-line:

English: 13501635171 /13918855155

Insurance direct billing/Membership:




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